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3 ku-1 Idivayisi ye-Ultrasonic Cavitation

3 ku-1 Idivayisi ye-Ultrasonic Cavitation

I-Infrared Slimming massager ikusiza ukuthi wehlise isisindo  ngokuletha ukukhanya kwe-infrared (okuwukukhanya okungabonakali) kumaseli omzimba wakho kanye nezicubu ngendlela yokushisa.
Lokhu kushisa akugcini nje ngokuthuthukisa umphumela we-massage kodwa futhi kwandise ukujikeleza kwegazi endaweni.
Ngenxa yalokho, amangqamuzana nezicubu zithola umoya-mpilo nezakhi ezidingekayo.
Ama-fat deposits aphulwa futhi akhishwe ngumzimba.
Izinhlungu nezinhlungu nazo ziyancipha ngenxa yokuthuthuka kokujikeleza kwegazi.


    The slimming massager makes use of infrared light therapy sometimes referred to as Red Light Therapy or Low Light Therapy.
    It aims at improving the blood circulation and melting the fats under the skin by using infrared heat.
    Infrared therapy is known for its healing and antimicrobial properties, but can also be used to improving and tighten the skin, thus eliminating any wrinkles.

    What Is Electrical Muscle Stimulation (EMS)?
    The Electrical Muscle Stimulator produces micro-currents via the electrodes.
    It impulses the motor nerves so that the targeted muscle groups have to exercise passively in the way of expanding and contracting.
    EMS therapy can enhance metabolism by improving blood circulation. It enhances muscle strength, endurance, and reduces fat.
    It helps to remove toxin and relieve pain.
    EMS has been widely used in physical therapy, fitness training, and beauty rejuvenation.
    EMS Muscle Stimulator is used to build muscle.
    A frequently asked question is whether the EMS machine would make the muscle bulk up like a weight-lifting athlete. And the answer is definitely NO.
    The EMS muscle stimulation treatment can help to achieve the maximum strength and maximum size, but not over the limit.
    EMS also helps dieting and weight loss.
    It can also help with weak, damaged, or flabby tissue and muscle.
    For slimming clients, EMS can increase body temperature, heart rate and metabolism, which promotes energy and fat absorption from the body.
    Consistent use of the muscles requires the burning of calories.
    The more the slimming machine is used, the more calories and fat are burned away.
    EMS Body Toning machines stimulates the body's natural fat-burning and toning processes with help to keep your body firm and healthy.


    I-Ultrasonic iyindlela ehlukile ehlasela kancane ku-tumescent liposuction esebenzisa amaza e-ultrasonic ukuguqula amangqamuzana amafutha abe ama-fatty acids mahhala, okulula ukuthi umzimba uwakhiphe.
    Abasekeli be-ultrasonic cavitation bathi ubuchwepheshe buthola amathoni futhi kuqinisa isikhumba, ngaphandle kokubangela ubuhlungu noma ukuphumula okuphawulekayo.
    Umshini uhlukanisa izicubu zomzimba ezinomucu ophansi, kuyilapho ushiya izicubu eziwuzungezile ziphelele.
    Kungakho ibuye isetshenziswe ngokuhambisana nokwelashwa okuthile komdlavuza kanye nokuhlinzwa, ikakhulukazi lezo ezibandakanya amanyikwe noma isibindi.
    Ukuze uthole imiphumela engcono kakhulu, iziguli eziningi zidinga ukwelashwa okuphakathi kuka-10 no-12, kodwa eziningi zibona kufika kumayintshi angu-2 ukuya kwangu-2 (5 cm) okunciphisa ukuzungeza ngemva kokwelashwa okumbalwa kuphela.
    Iseshini ngayinye yokwelashwa ithatha imizuzu eyi-15 kuye kwengama-20.
    Ukuze uthole okuningi ekwelapheni kwakho, odokotela batusa amanzi okuphuza, ukugcina ukudla okunempilo, nokuzivocavoca njalo phakathi nezikhathi.


    A study funded by Erchonia included 54 overweight or obese patients.
    The patients were treated weekly for 6 weeks.
    The study found a significant reduction in the combined circumference of hips, waist, thighs, and upper abdomen by 13 cm (about 5 inches) after 6 weeks.
    Two weeks after the final treatment, patients lost another 2 cm (about 0.8 inches).

    Ultrasonic Anti Cellulite Body Slimming Massager
    This amazing device offers three different settings:

    • Electronic muscle stimulation (EMS)
    • Infrared
    • Ultrasonic

    The ultrasonic vibration massager helps stimulate circulation, while the EMS and infrared settings tone and tighten the skin.
    The device can be used both on the face and body. To test the ultrasonic vibration, you can place one drop of water on the flat side and watch the water move.



    Isikhathi sokusetshenziswa kwezitho zomzimba ezahlukene
    Amaqanda - imizuzu emi-5
    Isifuba -10 imizuzu !! Gwema izindawo lapho inhliziyo ikhona!!
    Ama-hips - imizuzu engu-20
    Amathanga - imizuzu engu-20
    Ingalo - imizuzu engu-20
    Isisu - imizuzu engu-20
    Ukupheka - imizuzu engu-20


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