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I-NU-LA IPL - Ukususwa Kwezinwele Ze-Laser

I-NU-LA IPL - Ukususwa Kwezinwele Ze-Laser

IPL:  Okukhulu  I-Pulse Light Technology,  kungasiza ukuphula umjikelezo wokukhula kwezinwele, ngokuvimbela izinwele  ukuvuselelwa kanye nokuzuza  ukususwa kwezinwele isikhathi eside futhi unomphela.


  • Phatha umzimba wakho ogcwele ngemizuzu engama-30 nje
  • Amazinga amahlanu angasetshenziswa  ukuzijwayeza  ithoni yesikhumba sakho
  • Ifanele: imilenze, izingalo, nomhlane, imigqa ye-bikini, iminwe, izindebe, amakhwapha. Ilungele abesilisa nabesifazane.
  • Impilo ende yokusebenza: Ishubhu yequart>500,000 pulses, cishe  Iminyaka engu-10+ yokusebenzisa-impilo
  • Ukwelashwa akunabuhlungu, kuphephile futhi akunayo imiphumela emibi.
  • Idivayisi encane, esesitayeleni futhi ephathekayo okulula ukuyisebenzisa ekhaya noma isaluni yobuhle.


* Ayifanele isikhumba esimnyama kakhulu, nama-tattoos.

*Ezindaweni ezimnyama zesikhumba umshini we-IPL kufanele usethwe endaweni ephansi kakhulu ukuze ugweme ukusha. 



    • Intense Pulsed Light (IPL)  emits pulses of light that are  absorbed by pigment in the hair follicle. This causes an increase in heat which in turn destroys the follicle. 


    • As hair grows in distinct phases and at different times, it's important to continue with top up treatments until you reach the desired results. Start your treatment with the gentle mode, gradually increasing the intensity as feels comfortable, to maximise your results.
    • Intense pulsed light (IPL) treatments reduce unwanted hair growth forever. They do this by using bright flashes to heat up and kill the hair follicle so it doesn't grow any more hair

    Within 12 weeks, you'll see significant reduction in hair growth.


    • Step 1: Start with dry, freshly-shaved skin.
    • Step 2: Set device to lowest setting.
    • Step 3: Lay the device flat on your skin (where you want to remove hair)
    • Step 4: Switch to Glide Mode for continuous flashes as you work over large areas or Stamp Mode for small areas like Bikini.
    • Step 5: When you're done, apply a moisturiser
    • Repeat process twice a week for first 12 weeks.  After the first 12 weeks, just top-up every 2-4 weeks to remain hair-free. 
    • You can have silky smooth skin that lasts so long you'll never worry again about stubbly legs or prickly underarms. 
    • IPL is suitable for those with skin type I to V according to the Fitzpatrick Scale. It is not suitable for use on white, grey or red hair.
    • Since grey and white hair do not contain enough or any melanin, IPL treatment will not work on these hair colours. Red hair is also not responsive to IPL.
    • Since melanine readily absorbs the heat from IPL it makes it unsuitable for very dark skin tones, as it can cause skin damage such as burns, blisters or discolouring.

    •  I-Intense pulsed light (IPL)  isebenza ngokuthumela ama-pulses okukhanya athambile kakhulu empandeni yezinwele iyenze ingene esigabeni sokuphumula. Izinwele zibe seziphuma futhi, ngokuhamba kwesikhathi, zikhula kancane. Ayisebenzi nje kuphela ekususeni izinwele kodwa futhi ingasetshenziswa ekwelapheni ama-capillary aphukile nobubomvu, okuvame ukutholakala ebusweni.

    Product Name

    Classic  IPL portable portable mini  home use hair removal device

    Product Size

    124 mm x 83 mm x 48mm


    Quartz tube >500000 times

    Flash Area:

    3.3 m2



    Energy Gear

    5 gears

    Working mode

    Both Automatic and Manual modes


    550 - 1100 nm

    Rated voltage & current

    100~240V AC input,12V 3A DC output

    Single machine weight


£75.00 Regular Price
£55.00Sale Price

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