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I-Microneedling Derma Roller

I-Microneedling Derma Roller

I-Microneedling yake yayigcinelwe odokotela besikhumba kuphela, kodwa manje ingenziwa ngokuphepha ekhaya. I-DIY ye-microneedling amarola e-derma okungamadivayisi aphethwe ngesandla anerola enomugqa phezu komugqa wezinaliti ezincane. Bayabheka  bayethusa kodwa baba  ngokuqhathaniswa  engenabuhlungu futhi kulula ukuyisebenzisa. Banjalo futhi  indlela eshibhile futhi elula kakhulu kunokuvakashela uchwepheshe.



Yelapha izinhlobonhlobo zezinkinga zesikhumba ezihlanganisa isikhumba esifiphele, izibazi zezinduna, imibimbi kanye ne-pigmentation. Idizayinelwe ukukhulisa ukukhiqizwa kwe-collagen futhi ithuthukise ukumuncwa kwe-skincare, ibala lakho lizovuselelwa ngokushesha futhi liqine ngokusobala.  I-Derma rollers  ingavumela imikhiqizo yokunakekelwa kwesikhumba ukuthi ingene ijule, ikhiqize imiphumela enamandla kakhulu.




    • Used to rejuvenates your complexion
    • Stimulates the production of collagen and elastin
    • Reduces the appearance of acne scarring
    • Increases the absorption of skincare products
    • Reduces the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles
    • 540 ultra-fine stainless steel microneedles (0.25mm-1.5mm)
    • Leaves skin glowing all over
    • Ultra-fine stainless steel needles
    • Use 1-2 times a week for best results


    Microneedling is the perfect treatment for instantly rejuvenating your complexion. The ultrafine needles cause tiny micro injuries to the skin, encouraging the cell to ‘repair' itself. This accelerates cell regeneration, stimulating the production of collagen to firm and plump the skin.

    Rolling the micro roller over the skin also creates micro channels, allowing your skincare to absorb much deeper into the skin.

    After each use, skin radiantly glows and is visibly firmer. With consistent use, you can even treat acne scarring, pigmentation and wrinkles thanks to the increase in collagen production.


    I-Dermarolling isebenza ngokwakha amanxeba amancane abangela inqubo yokuphola kwesikhumba, okuholela ekuvuselelweni kwesikhumba nasekukhiqizweni kwezinto ezilwa nokuguga njenge-collagen ne-elastin. I-Collagen iyiphrotheni eningi kakhulu etholakala emzimbeni womuntu futhi inesibopho sokuhlanganisa ndawonye izicubu ezixhumene njengesikhumba, imisipha, imisipha, imisipha, uqwanga namathambo.

    I-collagen ne-elastin esigcina sibukeka sibasha, ngeshwa, kukholakala ukuthi ukukhiqizwa kwe-collagen kwehla cishe ngephesenti elingu-1 ngonyaka ngemva kweminyaka yobudala engama-20, okuhunyushwa egameni elikhulu elithi A - ukuguga.

    Ngaphandle kokuthi i-dermarolling ingase ibonakale isabisa kangakanani, empeleni ithathwa njengenqubo ehlasela kancane enesikhathi esincane sokuphumula. Nokho, inqubo yokutakula incike kakhulu kubude bezinaliti ezisetshenzisiwe. Ngokusobala, uma izinaliti ziba zinde, inxeba liya lijula - futhi lokho kusho ukuthi isikhathi sokululama siba side.

    AmaSerum angasebenzisa lezi zindlela ezikhiqizwe i-dermaroller  ukuhamba ujule, ukumunca ngokuphumelelayo  ukukhiqiza imiphumela ebonakalayo kakhudlwana.



    To reduce the chance of bacteria transfer, thoroughly cleanse both your skin and the roller. Use gloves if possible.

    It’s best to derma roll at night when your skin isn’t susceptible to sun damage.

    Make sure that your cleansing routine get rid of oil and dirt that’s built up on your skin during the day.

    To clean the derma roller, soak it in an alcohol-based solution. Then dry and place on a clean paper towel.


    If using a serum with your derma roller, apply the product to your face.

    The rolling method involves two parts: vertical, and horizontal rolling. Start by rolling the derma roller up and down your forehead, cheeks, and chin, making sure not to apply too much pressure.

    • Roll in one direction 6 to 8 times, depending on your skin tolerance and sensitivity, and make sure to lift the roller after each pass. So, roll in one direction. Lift up then repeat.
    • After you roll in the same place 6 to 8 times, adjust the derma roller slightly, and repeat. Do this until you’ve covered the entire section of skin you’re treating.
    • After rolling in one direction, it’s time to go back over the area you just rolled and repeat the process in the perpendicular direction. For example, say you finished rolling across your forehead vertically, now would be the time to go back and repeat that entire process horizontally.
    • By the end of this entire procedure, you should have rolled over each area 12 to 16 times — 6 to 8 horizontally, 6 to 8 vertically.
    • Contrary to popular belief, we do not need to roll diagonally. Doing so creates an uneven pattern distribution with more stress on the center. If you decide to do this, please be careful and take extra precautionary measures.

    Stay away from the eye area and be extra careful on sensitive places such as the nose and upper lip.


    After the rolling is complete, apply the same serum again or choose another hydrating or anti-aging product.

    Just make sure the ingredients list doesn’t include retinols or vitamin C.

    Since your skin may be more sensitive after derma rolling, it’s a good idea to wear sunscreen.


    Derma rolling is a minimally invasive procedure so as long as you use the right technique in conjunction with the right serum, you’re unlikely to experience side effects. It is important to keep your equipment sterile, either washing it in boiling water and using alcohol to disinfect.

    • However there are some people that should avoid derma rolling completely. This includes those with eczema, psoriasis, or a history of blood clots.
    • People with skin conditions that could easily spread to other parts of the face, such as active acne or warts, should also consult with a healthcare provider before DIYing.
    • If you’re using retinol, taking Accutane, or have sunburn, you should also be wary.
    • Experts advise stopping retinol 5 days before derma rolling to avoid an adverse reaction.
    • When it comes to things like sunburn or inflammation, you can still use a derma roller as long as you avoid affected areas.
    • Remember, if you do try dermarolling, never do it on active acne! If you have any hesitations or questions, consult your skin care professional before moving forward.

    Uma unquma ukusebenzisa i-serum ene-derma roller yakho, khetha eyodwa ezozuzisa ubuso bakho lapho ingena esikhunjeni sakho.

    Ezinye izithako ze-serum zingabangela ukusabela okubi uma zithunyelwa esikhumbeni.

    Uma ukhetha ukusebenzisa i-vitamin C (ascorbic acid), thatha kalula! Iphansi ngokwemvelo  pH  kungase kucasule isikhumba sakho. Esikhundleni salokho, layisha kuso ezinsukwini ezimbalwa ngaphambi kweseshini ye-microneedling. Khumbula ukuthi kuthatha kuphela  3 izicelo zansuku zonke ze-20 percentTrusted Source  ascorbic acid ukusuthisa isikhumba ngovithamini C.

    Kungcono ukugwema i-retinol engase icasule novithamini C.

    Ochwepheshe bayeluleka  ukukhetha ama-serum acebile nge-hyaluronic acid.

    Lezi zizovala umswakama futhi zisize ngenqubo yokuvuselela engathuthukisa ithoni yesikhumba nokuthungwa.


    Lokhu kuzoncika kakhulu kulokho ozama ukukufeza. Nakuba ungakwazi ukuthenga izinaliti ezinde ukuze uzisebenzise ekhaya, kungcono ukunamathela ku-derma roller enenaliti yobude obungaphansi kwamamilimitha angu-0.5.

    Nakhu  ithebula elifingqa ukuthi ubude buni okufanele busetshenziswe kuye ngokuthi yini ozama ukuyelapha.

    Izinkathazo Ubude benaliti (amamilimitha)
    izibazi ze-acne ezingajulile 1.0 mm
    izibazi ezijulile zezinduna 1.5 mm
    ama-pores akhulisiwe 0.25 ukuze 0.5 mm
    i-postinflammatory hyperpigmentation (amabala) 0.25 ukuze 0.5 mm
    ukuguga kwesikhumba 0.2 kuya ku-1.0 mm (qala ngencane kakhulu)
    isikhumba esonakele noma esincibilika 0.5 kuya ku-1.5 mm (inhlanganisela yakho kokubili ilungile)
    ama-stretch marks 1.5 kuya ku-2.0 mm (gwema u-2.0 mm ngokusetshenziswa kwasekhaya)
    izibazi zokuhlinza 1.5 mm
    ithoni yesikhumba engalingani noma ukuthungwa 0.5 mm
    imibimbi 0.5 kuya ku-1.5 mm

    I-Microneedling ngeke kusize  i-postinflammatory erythema (PIE) , okuwubomvu noma amabala apinki. Amarola e-derma noma amathuluzi e-microneedling angaphezu kuka-0.3 mm ubude awavunyelwe noma asulwe yi-Food and Drug Administration.


    Hlanza i-derma roller yakho ngensipho yokugeza izitsha ngemva kokuyisebenzisa. Dala ingxube yamanzi anensipho esitsheni sepulasitiki, bese uzungeza i-roller ngamandla, uqinisekisa ukuthi i-roller ayishayi izinhlangothi- awufuni ukufiphaza amathiphu. Isizathu sokuthi sisebenzise okokuhlanza njengensipho yesitsha ngokuqondile ngemva kokugingqika kungenxa yokuthi utshwala abuwaqedi amaprotheni atholakala esikhunjeni nasegazini.


    Khipha amagciwane ku-derma roller yakho futhi ngokuyivumela ukuthi ingene ku-70% we-isopropyl alcohol imizuzu eyi-10. Libuyisele endaweni yalo, uliqabule, bese uligcina endaweni ephephile.

    Hlanza njalo i-derma roller yakho ngemva kokusetshenziswa ngakunye.

    Ungavumeli omunye umuntu ukuthi asebenzise i-roller yakho futhi ayishintshe okungenani kanye njalo ezinyangeni ezi-3 ukuvimbela ukucasuka kwezinaliti ezibuthuntu.


    Ngemuva kokugoqa, isikhumba singase:

    • ubebomvu amahora ambalwa, kwesinye isikhathi abe ngaphansi
    • ngizizwa ngishiswa yilanga
    • ukuvuvukala ekuqaleni (kuncane kakhulu)
    • uzwe sengathi ubuso bakho buyanyakaza futhi igazi liyajikeleza

    Abantu bavame ukwenza iphutha lokuthi ukuvuvukala okuncane abakutholayo kube yimpumelelo ngobusuku obubodwa, kodwa umphumela wokugxusha owubona ekuqaleni uzodamba phakathi nezinsuku ezimbalwa. Ukugoqa okuphindaphindiwe kunemiphumela engapheli-ngakho ungayeki!

    Kuzoba ne-erythema encane (ubomvu) cishe izinsuku ezimbili noma ezintathu, futhi isikhumba singase siqale ukuxebuka. Uma lokhu kwenzeka,  ungenzi  khetha kuyo !  Ukucwecwa kuzokwehla ngokwemvelo njengoba isikhathi sihamba.

£25.00 Regular Price
£18.75Sale Price

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